Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors

Monday, 24 February 2014


RESIST - according to English dictionary means "withstand the action or effect of something". Resistors in electronics it is withstand the action or effect of electrons.
Resistor is the most commonly used passive component which limit the current by lowering voltage levels.

Resistance is the amount of action or effect of electrons, resistors can withstand. It is measured in ohms(Ω), which is its SI unit named after George Simon Ohm.
(Conductance is opposite of resistance).

Many types of resistors are available, some prominent types are:
  1. Carbon composition resistors - Graphite material in it forms resistive element. 
  2. Metal film resistors - The metal film determines resistance. 
  3. Wire wound resistors - Metal wire(nichrome usually) is the resistive material.
  4. Potentiometers - which have varying resistivity.
 The power from resistors is dissipated due to current flow. This dissipation is usually in the form of heat.


Capacitor as its name stands, it is the capacity of the device to store energy. It stores energy in terms of electric field. Unlike resistors, capacitors doesn't dissipate energy, instead stores it.

Capacitance is a measure of the amount of energy it can store. It is measured in farads(f).

Many types of capacitors are available, most commonly used are:
  • Parallel plate
  • Ceramic
  • Electrolytic



Another most commonly used passive device. An inductor is also a coli, which resist change in current flow. Due to current flow in coil there is magnetic field due to it. This magnetic filed oppose sudden change in current flowing through the coil.

Inductance gives the measure of the opposition it offers to the change in current. It is measured in Henries(H).

Some types of Inductors are:
  •  Air Core Inductor 
  • RF Inductor
  • Ferromagnetic Core Inductor
  • Ferrite Core Inductor

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