OMAP (Open Multimedia Aplication Platform)

Monday, 24 February 2014
   OMAP is a series of image and video processors developed by Texas Instruments. It is a IC with ARM Processor and a DSP Co- Processor.

The OMAP family consists of three product groups classified by performance and intended application:
  • High-performance applications processors
  • Basic multimedia applications processors
  • Integrated modem and applications processors
 OMAP Series are of these types:
  1. OMAP 1
  2. OMAP 2
  3. OMAP 3
  4. OMAP 4
  5. OMAP 5

OMAP processors contain unique hardware and software elements to support best-in-class video, graphics and multimedia performance.
OMAP processors natively support more video playback codec standards than other processors, meaning OMAP processors come ready to efficiently play nearly any video from anywhere in the world with little to no additional development investment. Video capture and playback are both accelerated by the platform’s IVA-HD hardware engine, freeing up the main ARM® Cortex™-A series MPCores for other processing tasks.

Other unique video features include:
  • Simultaneous video and still image capture enabled by a high performance image signal processor.
  • Super compressed video files that take up 10 – 20 percent less memory storage space compared to competing processors, enabled by proprietary TI imaging technology.
  • Snappy and responsive rendering of cloud-based or remote desktop applications, made possible by the OMAP platform’s combination of hardware and software accelerators and graphics core.


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Must Have Future Gadgets

Monday, 24 February 2014

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Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors

Monday, 24 February 2014


RESIST - according to English dictionary means "withstand the action or effect of something". Resistors in electronics it is withstand the action or effect of electrons.
Resistor is the most commonly used passive component which limit the current by lowering voltage levels.

Resistance is the amount of action or effect of electrons, resistors can withstand. It is measured in ohms(Ω), which is its SI unit named after George Simon Ohm.
(Conductance is opposite of resistance).

Many types of resistors are available, some prominent types are:
  1. Carbon composition resistors - Graphite material in it forms resistive element. 
  2. Metal film resistors - The metal film determines resistance. 
  3. Wire wound resistors - Metal wire(nichrome usually) is the resistive material.
  4. Potentiometers - which have varying resistivity.
 The power from resistors is dissipated due to current flow. This dissipation is usually in the form of heat.


Capacitor as its name stands, it is the capacity of the device to store energy. It stores energy in terms of electric field. Unlike resistors, capacitors doesn't dissipate energy, instead stores it.

Capacitance is a measure of the amount of energy it can store. It is measured in farads(f).

Many types of capacitors are available, most commonly used are:
  • Parallel plate
  • Ceramic
  • Electrolytic



Another most commonly used passive device. An inductor is also a coli, which resist change in current flow. Due to current flow in coil there is magnetic field due to it. This magnetic filed oppose sudden change in current flowing through the coil.

Inductance gives the measure of the opposition it offers to the change in current. It is measured in Henries(H).

Some types of Inductors are:
  •  Air Core Inductor 
  • RF Inductor
  • Ferromagnetic Core Inductor
  • Ferrite Core Inductor
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Surface Mount Technology and Board Fabrication! Interesting Video!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Surface Mount Technology!

Gigabyte Factory Mother Board Fabrication Video!


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Electricity, Conductors, Insulators, Semi-Conductors

Wednesday, 19 February 2014


Atom is what builds this nature. We know it has neutron, proton and electron. These elements have some amount of energy, called ELECTRIC CHARGE(simply Charge)! Neutron has no charge associated with it, where as proton is said to be positive and electron negative.

The movement of these charged particles is Electric current. And physical phenomena related with these particles and current is Electricity.

Electric current

Current is established in a similar way where water in tank at higher level flows to lower level due to difference in energy. Similarly electrons move from higher energy state i.e. negative side to, lower energy state i.e. positive, constituting electron current. 

Direction of electric current is the way the positive charges move, so its opposite to electron current
SI Unit to measure charge is Coulomb, and Current is Ampere(A).

The charges which produce current must be free to move from one place to another. This is determined by the material which carries them, just like a water pipe, where the pipe shows how much water can flow and in what way.

These materials are known as Conductors, Insulators and Semi-Conductors. According to bandgap theory, the energy bands of these materials decide their type. And the property which defines how freely charges can move through them is called conductivity.


They are type of materials that allow electric charge to keep moving. This is possible only if atoms allow their electrons to move freely through its material. Conductors allow their outermost electrons to be free and make them float around. With proper guidance to these free electrons, through source called voltage (provides path from high state to low state), they constitute current in a very easy way.
 Like: Copper, Iron, Aluminum, and other metals.

Imagine a transparent glass, it has the ability to pass light, conductors are similar in case of charges.


 These are materials that block charge movement. It means that they don not have free electrons for charge transfer from atom to atom. This causes current not to flow.
Like:Glass, Wood and other such materials.

This is more like a opaque object, which does not allow light to pass through, insulators are opaque to charge flow.


Some have charges such that with proper energy source they provide free electrons for conduction. This provides a control over conductivity.
Like: Silicon, Germanium and other such materials.

They are more like translucent glass, they pass only required amount of light, same is semiconductors for charges.

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Touch Screen

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Touch screen! 

Its one of the most amazing technology developed which we are attracted with. The first mobile with touchscreen i.e., IBM Simon,was launched in 1992. 

How does it work?

Variety of technologies are present to detect your finger on the screen. They are some kind of sensors usually capacitive or resistive which detect it. Recent advancements are on inductive technology which is acquiring its prominence. 

Resistive Touch

It has some layers for functionality. But two layers which are facing each other, one beneath the screen and on the substrate with a thin gap between, makes the heart of tech. One is excited by voltage and other senses it. So your finger pressure connects them at that point for sensing.
It is advantageous because of its low price, but at the cost of needing to press down a bit more.

Capacitive Touch  

The lower layer of screen is coated with some conducting transparent material such as Indium Tin Oxide(ITO), and insulator screen acts as Di-electric. Known that your finger conducts. So the touch changes the capacitance, which senses the finger.
There are more variations of this, but the change in capacitance plays a major role.

Inductive Touch

Here a layer coated below the screen and PCB trace coils beneath create magnetic field. upon touch the the field strength varies which is measurable, this provides the required sensing mechanism.
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Active and Passive Devices

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Active Device

Active devices are those devices which needs a source of energy, and can inject power into the circuit. This shows that it controls electricity electrically. This makes the basics for ELECTRONICS - which is electron mechanics. Active component in the circuit makes its electronic. These devices provide a mechanism to control flow of electron through  the external source. This makes them to change energy flowing through them and this is the reason for amplifiers and rectifiers etc.

Some are: Transistors, Diodes, Vacuum Tubes, Integrated Circuits.

What is the mechanism involved?

The mechanism of external source to control the electron flow would be voltage or current, and are not surprisingly known as voltage-controlled active devices and current-controlled active devices.

Passive Device

These are those which neither inject power to the circuit nor require energy for functioning. The energy present in the circuit is enough for its functioning. But they are useful in storing or dissipating energy in one or the other form required by the circuit for proper operation.

Some are: Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors.
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Monday, 17 February 2014

Its better to start with what is Electronics?

Its simple Electron Mechanics. Electron is a smallest particle having charge and controlling its mechanics is ELECTRONICS! 
The word electronics is from the Greek word elektron which means amber.

Next major question - How to control mechanics of ELECTRON?

Mechanics here uses so called active device like Transistors, Vacuum tubes, Diodes and Integrated Circuits which have the ability to control electron flow, with some help from passive devices like Resistors, Capacitors and Inductors.

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